March 2024

Greetings in the Love and Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ said, "I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

What a promise! Then shortly after that the Lord Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." Yes, the Lord Jesus not only promises to take us to be with Him but, He makes it clear, He is the only way to be with Him.

This is the message we send to people behind bars. There is not a life or a reason to have life without the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The simplicity of the "Goodnews" message is what turns people to the only real home of Jesus Christ. As we give this message people turn from the darkness and hopelessness of Prisons and Jails to God's plan and purpose for their lives. You are there through your faithful prayers and gifts. Rejoice, for the great blessing the Lord has given us to show and share His Agape (unconditional) Love.

This Ministry, of over 40 years, has continued to be a faith ministry. That means you, as well as others, help make it possible as we Trust His call and supply through faithful Saints, such as you. With increased costs and many that have faithfully stood with us all these years, having to cut back and some even discontinue their direct involvement. We appreciate all who have stood with us during the increased costs and direct involvement. It has been extremely hard to grow our list on those receiving our Prayer Letter since our opportunities are limited since our contacts are inside the prison and not in public. Thank God for your commitments and loving care.

I have opened my heart to you, first to ask all of you to pray and believe in the Lord for His faithful supply and direction for this important, fruitful work. Secondly, I want you to pray for opportunities to allow us to allow us to share the work with others that my have a call to share in this work through "on hands" ministry behind bars, and for those that have the resources from the Lord's blessings in their life to help underwrite this visionary work.

Just a couple of days ago, I had a study in a Tulsa County Jail POD where the men were so hungry for the Word of God and His plan for their lives, I could hardly get to lead them in a prayer to receive Christ as Lord and Savior fast enough. In years of ministry, I have seen this, but it is always a great surprise, even though God is not surprised, as he says, "No one comes to Christ unless God's Spirit draws them!" Five men gave their hearts and lives to Christ to become a Child of God, with heaven as their home. You, as always, share in the eternal victory.

Lastly, in addition to the above requests, pray as we are asking the Lord for the contacts and supply to have a Prison Discipleship/HUB booth at the Tulsa State fair. This would be a direct outreach to the community for those with relatives behind prison and jail bars. This is an incredibly special opportunity to share this work with the community to enlist works, staff, and partners to help in supplying the needs and growth of this blessed ministry.

As always, please pray for me, our staff, and especially the prisoners that have no hope, except, for the hope Lord Jesus wants to give them. Thank you for praying and sharing this important ministry.

In His love for the prisoners,

Dr. Steve Bradshaw, P.D. President