April 2024

"How can I have a relationship with God?"

That was what a young man asked the other day in our character building discipleship class in an Oklahoma prison. He was new in the class, and I was talking about having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and making heaven your home.

He had been with his head laying on his arms on a table next to the tables we were having our class of eight men in the study with our new Chaplain, Michael Brown, in training to teach the class. I asked. "what's your name young man?" He said, "Peter." I said, "well Peter, you have a special important Bible name that is a very important question!"

I knew the Lord was giving us a special moment. both for Peter. Michael. and each of the men in our class. Not only to help Peter in his journey to find God but in a learning experience for Michael and the men in our class to witness practical evangelism building their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I replied. "The Lord Jesus told us, "I am the way, the truth and the life. no one comes to the Father except through me." | said. "The Apostal John tells us in His Gospel, "As many as receive Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those that believe in His name." Lastly. I told him that the Apostal Paul tells us. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and that the wages of that sin in death (separation from God in a devils hell." But. "If we will confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

I explained that Jesus through His Spirit, at that time, would come into his life, giving him new life in Christ, to be born again and heaven would become his home. I looked him square in the face, eye to eye and asked. "Peter, would you like to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your life, to become a Child of God, and begin the life He has for you?" With no hesitation in his voice, he said, "Yes I would like to do that!"

I went on to explain the sinner's prayer to him, word for word, and again I asked, "Peter. does this prayer express the desire of your heart now?" He looked me in the face with a fear forming on the edge of his eye and said. "Yes it does!" So, we bowed our heads and Peter opened his heart to the Lord Jesus' invitation and became a Child of God right there in the classroom.

This is why we go to the prisons, to help men and women find new life through Christ. All with there with me as we bring Christ behind bars. Thank you and thank God for all He is doing through us. Pray for workers, both behind bars and those who stand with us in helping men and training these lives for Eternity.

In His love for the Prisoners

Dr. Steve Bradshaw,

President - Prison Discipleship, Inc.


Well today's letter is going to be late for Easter, but the sentiment is the same and the message is never too late. Every year we start with a holiday and what we are going to do to celebrate. Then we move on to more holidays and birthdays, and anniversaries, what do we do, and what gifts do we give. This goes on every day, week, and month of the year.

This month, have you thought of the celebration you are going to have for Jesus, for what he has done for us. Oh, it is nice to have new dresses and cute hats, the Easter Bunny running around hiding eggs. But for whom is that really? Jesus has taught us everything we needed to know about our Heavenly Father. Every day he has a life altering lesson for us.

He gave up his life to save us from damnation. Jesus continues to nurse our wounds, teach us how to be a better person, forgive us for our sins, and to love us. He holds us in his arms to comfort us when we are struggling, and cannot move forward, or when we are tempted by sin.

So, I ask again? What are you willing to do to give him the gift that he has given to you your entire life, and continues to give to you for the rest of your life so you will have a wonderful, loving life with your Heavenly Father? How does giving your life to Jesus' sound? It is a small payback for what you have received.

For love to Jesus who has done so much,

Ivy S. Kirk